Social media is one of the main communication platforms for many organizations. One, it’s free (unless you run ads). Two, you have complete control over the information you want to share. Because of this, companies will use social media for their storytelling strategies. We’ll go over three ways community banks can tell stories on social media.

Use Infographics

As a financial institution, one of your biggest responsibilities is to be a source of education for consumers. And although financial education can be seen as boring to the average consumer, you can make it fun and interesting by using infographics. For example, if you want to show stats and numbers, using an infographic is your best option. You will be able to lead your consumers’ eyes and keep them engaged with a colorful and engaging design.

If infographics are new to you, here’s more information on how to create them.

Show Community Involvement

Did you know that 87% of people reported that they would purchase a product because the company advocated about an issue they cared about? This is a stat that can easily be applied to the community your bank serves. By showing your bank’s involvement in the local community, it will help you connect to consumers on a human level. For example, you could share pictures or videos of the bank supporting a school fundraiser or community charity event. Or you could show your employees volunteering for a local organization. This will have a large impact on the community by showing that your bank cares about who they serve.

Celebrate Your Team

Another great way to story tell on social media is to humanize your brand by highlighting your bank’s employees. You can share anniversaries, work activies and their personal life achievements. This will also help to engage employees on your bank’s social media platform. Side note: did you know that 84% of people trust recommendations from friends, family, colleagues over other forms of marketing? This makes encouraging your team members to like, share and comment on the bank’s posts essential.

Whatever your goal is, using storytelling strategies on social media can be a powerful way to connect with your audience. Your social media posts don’t have to be a big production in order to be effective. They can be simple and still have the same effect if you’re being sincere. So dive into the world of storytelling and use social media to tell that story!

In my next post, I’ll discuss more tips that can bring your bank to the next level and capture the attention of the community you serve. Stay tuned!