As a bank marketer, you’ve probably had a lot of experience managing your bank’s website. However, have you ever created your own? If you want to work your way up in the banking industry, it will be very beneficial to put all your experience in an online portfolio. By creating an online portfolio as a website, not only will you show that you know what needs to be on a website but how to create them. If you have no idea where to even start, don’t worry – I walk you through five tips for creating your personal website.

Determine Your Target Audience

This is the first step you need to take before you decide what the name of your website is going to be and the URL. If your website is for bank hiring managers then you must have a professional tone and look to your website.

Use Complex Sentence

Did you know that colors have a huge impact on how people view you? Your website colors will help establish your own personal brand while potentially catching the viewer’s eye.

Organize the Menu

Before you begin adding your professional work to your website, first determine how you’re going to organize your website. Write out a sitemap on paper to know what pages are being created and where they will be placed on the website.

Create a Professional Bio

Not only will your work show who you are, but by including a separate page explaining your experience and showing your professional headshot, hiring managers will be able to dive more into who you are, your personality, experience, and professionalism. If you need some help writing your professional bio, here are some tips.

Add Call to Actions

Make sure to add calls to action on every page of your website. Whether that be to email you, call you, invite you to apply to a position, or to view your resume. This may seem simple, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t add these simple call to actions on their website that leads the viewer to take the next step.

Although these may seem very simple, they’re very important. If you start off with these five tips when creating your website, the rest of the process will go smoother than if you did without. Don’t be afraid to show your personality in your online portfolio. Hiring managers will not only be interested in who you are but also want to learn more about you and invite you in for an interview.

Keep a look out for my next topic of discussion: how to grow your personal brand that it’ll make people notice.