Today’s consumers have become increasingly more experienced with marketing. They are more knowledgeable of how it works and more demanding. Because of the internet, they have a vast amount of information at their fingertips. This includes the bank website, customer reviews, consumer reports, blogs, etc. And as a result, it has become harder to persuade them with traditional one-way communications.

Here we’ll go over how to market to these savvy consumers

Listen to Them

Whether that’s conducting surveys, focus groups, or social listening, use their feedback and opinions to create products/services that meet their needs. For example, if a bank wants to gain this kind of feedback, they can send out surveys to existing customers to ask how they could improve their service. These survey responses will be a big eye-opener and help you improve your relationship with customers.


Create Content That Adds Value

Consumers no longer want to receive “cold calls” to be sold something.  The same can be said for content marketing. You have to create a relationship with your target audience and build loyalty. This is done by providing content that gives them value. For example, your bank can post financial tips on its social media, or provide helpful 3rd party articles in its newsletter. This will cause your audience to want to view and engage with your content without being directly sold something.


Final Thoughts

By learning how to adapt and find opportunities through your challenges, you’ll be able to make your business succeed. Even though consumers are now marketing-savvy, you can still adapt your marketing strategies to fit the new generation.

Word of mouth marketing is also a great way for your bank to reach these savvy consumers. If you’d like to learn how click here to view my latest article on it.