Video marketing is one of the best ways to build your brand and reach your target audience. And for banks, it’s a great medium to explain a complex process, new product, new platform and for financial education. However, if done incorrectly, they might do more harm than good. Here’s what your bank shouldn’t do when creating a video.

Use Jargon

When it comes to making videos for the average consumers, please use plain English. Do not use dialogue that you would normally use with your fellow banking coworkers. The moment consumers feel like they can’t understand what’s being said, they will exit out. Make them feel comfortable by using simple words and maybe some words that your target audience uses. For example, if you’re targeting millennials, refer to some of their dialect when describing why they will use your product or service.

Use Complex Sentences

This goes hand in hand with using jargon. Keep it simple. Once the consumer thinks that what they’re watching is going to be complicated they will exit. You want viewers to stay on your video for as long as possible until they reach the call to action.

Make It Very Long

Make sure to keep your video short and sweet. A good tip I always give people is the shorter the better. 58% of viewers will watch a business-related video all the way through if it’s under 60 seconds. The general rule of thumb is to keep your videos at 2 minutes or less. However, it’s different for all platforms. Here’s a cheat sheet to know how long your video should be for which platform.

Not Including a Call to Action

If there is no call to action on your video then what was the point of creating it? Even if your video is for educational purposes (and not selling purposes) you can lead users to your website to read more financial tips. Your video should always be creating conversions. In other words, your audience will not know what to you do if you don’t tell them.

You don’t need a huge production or budget to create a nice video. Stick to the basics and you’ll do well. There are very easy and simple video software out there that’s perfect for people with busy schedules or that are beginners. Don’t be intimidated by creating video, dive right in and start!

Watch out for my next post that’ll give you more tips on how to improve your brand while increasing conversions.